join our teams
Reach your dance goals with a great group of people. Focused training to improve body movement, timing, footwork, and presentation for performance. $105 monthly for each team (just rehearsals and one corresponding class) or $160 for all teams and classes.
Rumbao Ladies team meets Wednesdays at 8:15 pm (2 Hours) for Beginner and Intermediate.
NEW! Advanced Ladies Team with choreography by Xiomar Rivas (Cali, Colombia)! Fill out this Form to apply and audition! $150 team dues
Rumbao Rueda Team meets Wednesdays at 8:15pm
Rumbao Beginner Salsa Team meets Thursdays at 7:15 pm
Rumbao Performance Team Thursdays at 8:15 pm (Intermediate)
Team pass are monthly membership based.