semester programs

Registration open now for Semester programs! These will fill up fast so make sure you sign up early.


Our Beginner Salsa Semester is a great way to start your dance journey! No drop-ins allowed after the first two classes allow you to progress with your group.

beginner level 1 @ Camp North end Location

Course Description: This is where the fun begins.  Level 1 does not need an evaluation to enroll.  Learn the fundamentals of Salsa Dance.  This level will teach your Basic timing/rhythm of Salsa, lead and following techniques, and your first set of fundamental partner work patterns.  No partner is necessary new semester begins March 6th, 2025, and includes Tuesday Salsa classes at Move Studio. Registration is open now! Click here to secure your spot!

Course Content: Salsa Basic, Timing/Rhythm concepts, Partner connection, Fun dance patterns for little to no experience and novice.


At Rumbao, you will feel the love and support to grow in your dancing! We are rooting for you!

Beginner level 2 @ Camp North end location

Course Description:  This class will take the fundamentals and continue to improve your partner techniques, Introduce your first variations for spins and turns, Body movement techniques, spotting, Basic Shines, 

Class Begins March 6th, 2025, and includes Tuesday Salsa class at Move Studio for extra practice. Register here!

Course content:  Body movement and partner connection. Shines, and spin techniques, Introduce the process of combining patterns to make a combination, of new fun patterns for Leaders and followers. 

Prerequisites: Dancers must have an understanding of cross-body lead, inside turn, right and left turn, and wrap patterns. Understanding of arm tension, follow and lead pivot, and spotting. Understand lines of dance. A good level of On2 Timing is required. Must be able to identify salsa rhythms and consistently be on time to attend class.


We can’t wait to dance with you!

8 Week Bachata Semester!

Are you looking for a new hobby that will get your heart racing and your feet moving? Look no further than our Bachata Dance Semester! Over 8 weeks, we will teach you all the basics of Bachata and guide you through various routines that will challenge you mentally and physically. Through the process, you will better understand yourself and your abilities and grow your confidence on and off the dance floor. So why wait? Sign up today and let's get ready to dance!

Bachata Semester Program at Camp North End, YVY (You Vs. Yourself) Studio (1701 North Graham St)

Beginner Level 1 and Level 2 Begins March 6th, 2025 8pm